custom Solutions

We Build Chuffing clever AI Powered automations

Don't get all in a tizzy...

We build automations that do all your flipping annoying tasks for you, or build a system that’s completely bespoke to your business.
No kidding. You’ll be surprised what we can do. Come and have a chinwag with us and tell us what you need, and we can probably do it for you, and manage the whole thing so you don’t have to lift a finger.

Why you should let us fettle your problems…

We help you get your time back

No more having to spend loads of time doing manual tasks on your computer ever again. Time is money, and we're experts at saving both.

We can run everything for you

If you want us to build a solution and just deliver you the results, that's no problem. But you can host it yourself if you want!

We build the solutions that fit your needs

Rather than trying to fit the way you work around the software you buy, we design our solutions that do the job the way you want it done.

Proper Yorkshire way of doing business

We're not one of those faceless corporations. We get to know every one of our clients and develop a proper human relationship!

Basically we like to deliver an excellent service and give our clients solutions that actually work for them… We’re straight-talking, honest Yorkshire folk, and (if we say so ourselves) we’re really good at what we do!

Faster than a whippet after a squirrel

If it’s ‘owt to do with data, we can pretty much figure out a way to automate it.

There’s virtually limitless things we can do with data…

Here’s a few examples of real solutions we’ve built recently:

Write product reviews on autopilot
This absolutely bonkers automation scrapes a website which promotes new products, writes a completely unique review, grabs a screenshot from the product homepage, writes all the meta data and posts it on the clients website.
Watch how it was built
Turn the latest industry specific news content into a newsletter - in the Finnish language!
We rebuilt an automation that we'd previously showcased on our website. which uses an RSS feed to pull the latest news stories for a particular niche and creates content on autopilot. The client asked us to modify it to filter down the stories to remove duplicates, and then write a completely unique summary for publication in a newsletter for a Finnish speaking audience.
Watch how it all started
Turn a 383 page non-fiction book into an audiobook
We were asked by an author to turn his (quite long) book into an audiobook as quickly as possible. We used automation and AI to output the content in a matter of hours, saving the author literally weeks of work. We then invited him to our studio to record the introduction and ending in his own voice, mixed and mastered it and delivered it ready for sale.
This was the book we turned into audio
Create an automated gig booking system for a musician
We built an automation that allowed a solo musician to contact and book gigs to entertain the residents of local care homes. It scraped the contact data, and then sent automated messages to outline the offer, and allow the clients to book the time out on his calendar without lifting a finger.
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