AI Product Reviewer – Make Scenario

This innovative AI Product Reviewer automation features 2 scenarios, crafted to extract, analyse, approve, and publish detailed product reviews on your WordPress website automatically, saving you tons of time and effort.

If you are buying this product, you should be aware that it is recommended only for those who are familiar with and running active scenarios.

AI Product Reviewer Key Features:

  • Automated new-product scraping from “There’s an AI for that” website using Browse AI
  • Seamless integration with custom scenarios for data orchestration
  • Incorporation of Slack for manual approval of products ensuring quality control
  • Automation of summary and details scraping from product-specific pages
  • Generation of comprehensive reviews using OpenAI’s robust language model
  • Automatic screenshot capturing of product homepages for visual appeal in reviews
  • Direct publishing of polished reviews onto a WordPress site

Who Would Benefit from this scenario:

This scenario is ideal for: –

  • E-commerce owners looking to populate their websites with rich, automated product reviews.
  • Digital marketers seeking to enhance their content strategy with AI-generated reviews at scale.
  • SEO specialists aiming to boost search engine rankings with fresh, detailed, and automated product content.
  • Content creators and website managers who want to save time on manual content creation processes.

Fully Customisable:

This scenario is fully customisable for your specific needs – tweak and tailor the scenario to fit your unique needs effortlessly. Dive into unlimited content generation possibilities, with step-by-step guidance ensuring a smooth setup process.

Important Note:

Buyers are purchasing only the scenario and detailed operating instructions. It is designed to be a blueprint that will allow you to set up your own customisable product review system, and will not work straight out of the box. You will need to set it up with your own webhooks and integrate all the elements using your own keys and infrastructure.


If you are buying this product, you should be aware that it is recommended only for those who are familiar with and running active scenarios.

The buyer must establish their own infrastructure and integrate the following tools on their own: Slack, Airtable, Browse AI, HTML to Image API, and WordPress. Instructions are included in a help file on how to achieve this when you download the product.

Additionally, the use of OpenAI for content generation will require the buyer’s own OpenAI account and API key. This automation does not come with any technical support, but if you need help you can purchase technical support time and we will be happy to assist you.

Prefer to get us to do it all for you?

If you prefer a hands-off approach, we can set up everything for you, providing a turnkey solution with content delivered directly to you without you having to host anything at all. If you would like us to do this for you, please contact us and schedule a call to discuss your specific needs.

Watch the video on how this AI Product Reviewer scenario was built and how each module and integration works:


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